On Friday 25th November 2022, 200+ passionate people came to Venture Cup’s impact NIGHT at Nordatlantens Brygge. It was truly a night full of inspiration and impact with exciting speakers, startups and a room packed with people eager to network.
Mads Kjer, CEO and co-founder of Ticket Butler, guided the audience through the program, which included a keynote speech from Emil Andersen, co-founder of Planteslagerne, and two panel discussions.
The first panel had representatives from status-quo-defying startups who talked about working with impact as a driver for success. Thanks to Sofie Winge-Petersen from Paint’R, Piero Maria Gentilini from CustomiseMe, Laila Sofie Midjord from Revenant Design and Nicolai Thomsen from Biomend.
Second panel discussed how to engage in the entrepreneurial ecosystem as a student or startup. Participants were Markus Fritz Hansen from Station, Anna Vestergård Jacobsen from University of Copenhagen, Martin B. Justesen from Kooperationen and Danny Grydholt-Jantzen from Technical University of Denmark.
The evening was well attended by impact-startups that showcased their products at the marketplace at the end of the program with time for networking and a visit to the open bar.
After the official impact NIGHT program the evening with plenty of network, marketplace for impact-startups and an open bar.
Impact NIGHT was also the culmination of a number of events that Venture Cup Denmark and our partners have hosted during the summer and autumn, all leading up to this night.
Over these months we have hosted events in cooperation with Digital Tech Summit, Kickstart Aalborg, MIT Odense, Station, DANSIC, Kooperationen. All events have been included in Venture Cup’s Come Together program and have been about matchmaking between students, startups and people interested in entrepreneurship.
Tickets were sold out fast for impact NIGHT, so if you are interested in similar events sign up for the Impact Community.
Come Together is sponsored by Otto Mønsted Fonden, Tuborgfondet and Hempel Foundation
Thanks to all our partners, who contributed to impact NIGHT:
Event partners: Station – Green Entrepreneurs
General partners: Kooperationen, CustomiseMe, Paint’R, Revenant Design, Biomend, REBBLS, DANSIC, University of Copenhagen, The Circular Lab, Station, SecondCircle
Community partners: Det Kongelige Akademi, Dansk Iværksætter Forening, TechBBQ, Actory, IDA, Heyfunding