Hack Your Business Plan
Did you know that tourism is the 4th biggest industry in Denmark?
Together with Hub for Innovation in Tourism, Venture Cup Denmark is hosting a spring event for early startups who get the chance to hack their business plan in cooperation with industry experts from this diverse field.

Hack Your Business Plan
Did you know that tourism is the 4th biggest industry in Denmark?
Together with Hub for Innovation in Tourism, Venture Cup Denmark is hosting a spring event for early startups who get the chance to hack their business plan in cooperation with industry experts from this diverse field.
Hack Your Business Plan
The tourism industry holds a lot of opportunities for startups. The aim of this initiative is to introduce startups to the tourism industry and fast track the process to pivoting their business cases by inviting industry experts to “hack” the startups’ business models.
10 startups in total are selected to participate. We are looking for startups within tech & data and/or green transition.
At the luxurious 4 star eco Hotel, Bryggen Guldsmeden
Two day program with challenges, network and workshops as well as time for nice food and a swing by the pool and sauna
16th – 17th March
Criteria for participation:
- Startups that are associated with the Danish universities or vocational education or graduates (within the last 2 years)
- Startups with a focus on technology
- Startups with a focus on green solutions
Hack Your Business Plan
The tourism industry holds a lot of opportunities for startups. The aim of this initiative is to introduce startups to the tourism industry and fast track the process to pivoting their business cases by inviting industry experts to “hack” the startups’ business models.
10 startups in total are selected to participate. We are looking for startups within tech & data and/or green transition.
At the luxurious 4 star eco Hotel, Bryggen Guldsmeden
16th – 17th March 2023
Two day program with challenges, network and workshops as well as time for nice food and a swing by the pool and sauna.
Criteria for participation:
- Startups that are associated with the Danish universities or vocational education or graduates (within the last 2 years)
- Startups with a focus on technology
- Startups with a focus on green solutions

Hub for Innovation in Tourism
Hack Your Business Plan is hosted in collaboration with Hub for Innovation in Tourism.
HIT works to strengthen the competitiveness of Danish tourism, innovation, and entrepreneurs’ business development. And offers start-ups and students a way into the tourism market, with a chance to accelerate and scale ideas and businesses.
Hub for innovation in Tourism is a partnership between Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme, MeetDenmark and Dansk Storbyturisme, of which the two last mentioned have their secretariat at Wonderful Copenhagen. Erhvervshusene, Danske Destinationer and AAU Innovation are collaboration partners in the project. Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse has granted funds from REACT-EU for the project.
Event Calendar
Celebrate university entrepreneurship at impact NIGHT hosted by Venture Cup Denmark at Nordatlantens Brygge, on the 25th of November from 17:00-21:00.
Join the impact entrepreneur community and meet status-quo-defying startups, universities, innovations houses and students who dream about working in startups to contribute to a better world.
Sliders + open bar + afterparty!

The unique program Hack Your Business Plan will be held in relaxed surroundings at the luxurious 4 star eco Hotel Guldsmeden Bryggen on 16 – 17th of March, 2023.
There will be provided delicious food, wine and drinks, speakers and plenty of possibilities to network and dig into industry challenges.
There’s a fully equipped gym for your morning routine, a pool area where there’s also a steam room and a sauna – perfect for relaxing after a long day of work, so remember to pack your speedo’s.
The unique program Hack Your Business Plan will be held in relaxed surroundings at the luxurious 4 star eco Hotel Guldsmeden Bryggen on 16 – 17th of March, 2023.
There will be provided delicious food, wine and drinks, speakers and plenty of possibilities to network and dig into industry challenges.
There’s a fully equipped gym for your morning routine, a pool area where there’s also a steam room and a sauna – perfect for relaxing after a long day of work, so remember to pack your speedo’s.

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New main phone number will be shared soon, until then please reach out to the Venture Cup staff via email.
[email protected]
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